1. BookScouter : By installing bookscounter App on your smartphone you can make money just by selling your old books that are no longer useful to you by scanning the book, this app can help you do that, by scanning the books this app will automatically compare buyback prices from leading book-buying websites,. Choose the buyer offer and ship your book for free. Register through your Email or Social Media platform. 2. Loot lagoon Complete action just by taking pictures and also by sharing content on social media, download the app on your smartphone, browse through different brand and complete an action, you can only withdraw your earning when it is up to $10, earning can only be withdraw through PayPal Account, you can earn more than $1000, based on your hard working. 3. Gigwalk : Find as much or as little contract work as you want by connecting with local businesses in need of your skill set. Download the app on your iOS or ...