1. IDENTIFY YOUR GOAL: In simple term, goal is the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. It is very important to set a goal for yourself, its helps you to focus, not having a goal is just like someone building Castle in the air.

2. GATHERING OF INFORMATIONS: This is very important to apply, since you have set a goal for yourself, you need to make a proper research on many ways to achieve your goal. Let’s watch this story.

 There was a true story of a poor farmer who settled in Africa and spent years struggling to raise his crops. His land was rocky and difficult to till. Disenfranchised circumstance, the farmer became increasingly fascinated by tales of “easy wealth” gained by men who had search for and discovered diamond in the countryside. He, too, wanted to be rich. He grew tired of endless labor and impulsively sold his farm to search diamond. For the rest of his life he wandered the vast African continent searching for the gleaming gems. But the great discovery always eluded him. Finally, in a fit of despondency, broken financially, spiritually and emotionally, he threw himself into a river and drowned. Meanwhile the men who have bought his farm found a rather large and unusual stone in a stream that cut through his property. It turned out to be a diamond of a enormous value stunned by his new found wealth, the farmer discovered that his land was virtually covered with such stone. It was to become one of the world’s richest diamond mines!. Looking at this story, the former man who owned the land did not make proper research of what he had. So he loosed his riches.

3. TEST YOUR INFORMATIONS: On testing your information, you need to choose the appropriate information that will help you gets to your destination (GOAL).

4. APPLICATION OF THE SELECTED INFORMATION: Without applying the information you have gathered, it is useless gathering them, so many people are poor today because they ignored to apply what they have red, heard or watched.
