By now you realize that thoughts are things that, when properly
nourished, will become a reality in the world of form.

 If you  envision yourself acquiring abundance, and if you keep this picture in
your mind regardless of the obstacle you encounter, then it must
become manifest in your life. If you allow this picture to be the dominant image in your mental world.  You will

 think successful thought and surround yourself with people who encourages your visions.

You will save a part of your income and thereby pay yourself first, a crucial step in acquisition of wealth.

You will engage in program of personal improvement and select life's mission.

You will seek the knowledge and expertise of those who have achieved success.

And you will then succeed in spite of the difficulties!.  Now these are the tips:-

1. OPPORTUNITY: In life opportunity is one the fruit of nature, must com. But your mindset towards the opportunity is a different thing, but I tell you some opportunities comes once a year some twice, some once in life time. But what I discovered about opportunity is, the one that can transform your life don’t come regularly. For that reason don’t joke with any good opportunity that comes your way, pursue it. Even if it takes the whole money in your pocket don’t panic it is an investment there will surely come back if it was rightly used. Don’t always allow opportunities to come to you rather go to them you need them more than they need you.

2. DON’T FAKE EVERYTHING: The moment you develop the habit of faking everything may also the moment of your downfall. Don’t see every opportunity as fraud, if there is fraud there is also no fraud. When you see every opportunity as a fraud the one that can transform your life will one day live with you without you discovering it. My friends let’s think positively.

3.TAKE RISKThough in our previous article we talked about taking risk, but it is coming back  again in another dimension. Don't fear to fail while taking risk, failing is not a bad thing rather it teaches us how not to fail again.  we have failed so many times before writing this article, had it been we decided not to try again you wouldn't have been reading this. Now listen to this, failure is a part of nature. those successful men you see have failed in one way or the other. They will still even fail in one way or the other. some of them will order a goods worth billions of dollars and have their goods drawn in the ocean. it won't stop them from ordering another goods. 

4. BE SPECIFIC: I know sometimes nature can make us to be a little bit confused but try to stand against it. Know what you want in life it will help you to focus. A man once said,  don’t live a life of others.  When you live a life that is not yours, you will live to make others happy instead of yourself. The moment you notice what exactly you want, it will help you to stand and pursue it.

5. DON’T SERVE FOREVER: Serving is a great way of learning but many of us misuse it. If you are serving a successful man without following his ways (good ways) it means you have gotten it all wrong. I have seen some men who served until their entire life. Mind you, am not here to poising your mind if you are a servant but to open your eyes to start planning achieving your own success and make your money and for others to serve you too. Even if you are a gate man or a servant of any kind, start preparing to starting your own successful life. Think ahead and plan ahead. Don’t remain in one position till eternity , make a move of a successful man.





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