Everybody want to become successful in their business, but not everybody want to pay the price.
In a business where there is competition, one person sale’s more than the other. In that case I would like to share with you the reason why, and also given you full assurance that you will be successful in your business and  also sell more than any other person competing with you.
Remember reading all this without application makes no difference.  Now, let hit the nail to it head.

1. PACKAGING: No matter what you sale, if you don’t properly package it well your customers will find it difficult to buy from you. For that reason you need to make your own business differ from other competitor, by doing so you will make your business unique from others.  We all like what is good.

2. BE MORE FRIENDLY: Being more friendly with your customers is a very good strategy to make them coming back again. The moment i notice you are harsh on me will also be the last you will see me buying from you.

3. BE PUNCTUAL: No one would like to do any business with someone who is not serious with his business. You can loose a customer just because you didn’t open your shop early, it isn’t all your customers will wait for you to open before they can buy from you.

4. SALE LOW: You don’t need to sale a particular goods thousands of dollars to be more successful in your business , all you just need is selling faster and buying more goods, when you sale lower price than your competitor you will sale more than them, making it possible for you to make more money and also becoming more successful in your business. Even if you sale a particular goods at the rate of 59 cent and the other person is selling at the rate of 1 dollar, don’t be surprise that you will sale more than that the person just because of the little difference.

5. CONCENTRATE ON A PARTICULAR GOOD(S): If possible  in your business concentrate on  a particular business . This will make your business popular.  It is better to have 20 stores for different items than to than to sell 20 different item in one store. A man who sale all the electronic appliances and a man who concentrate on a particular electronic appliance sale differently. E.g TV is an electronic DVD is also an electronic. And I’m selling  both TV and DVD an d you are selling only TV. Probably MR JOHNSON want to buy TV may about 5 of them. Who do you think majority will direct him to.?

6. SELL THE ORIGINAL: Don’t  just star selling because others are selling. Make research and know the difference between the fake and the original, don’t buy because it is cheap. Whenever your customers discovered you are selling the fake ones, they will help you spread the news without Radio Station, by so doing you loose much customers. Remember, when you sell the original the same people will also help you to spread the news to many others.

7. GIST YOUR CUSTOMERS : We all want to be remembered for doing what is right, you can decide to gist your customers at least once a year or two years by giving them a gift, this will make them happy. If you can win the heart of your customers you have gotten all you want. It will make them to come back again to buy from you.

8. MAKE YOUR CUSTOMEERS YOUR FRIENDS :  This I s a great idea, if you can make all your customers your friends you have gotten what you want . though there many was to do that but I would like to share one of them
(1) Make sure anybody who buys from you writes his contact than , this will serve as backlink go get them back, also to call to them if you noticed any move from that customer. E.g on ‘’action’’

Calling….MR EDISON ..answered….. Hello my customer MR EDISON , How are you?  answered  by MR EDISON.. I hope all is well ? answered by……I am a butcher located at LOS ANGELES I checked my customers register and I discovered, since APRIL 22 you stopped buying from me . I hope all is well? I hope it is not my fault , please am listening to hear from you. If you are customer and you are being treated this way won’t you be happy. He/she would like to come back again because his absence from that business was noticed and recognize.


